The contribution to the Greens: Fabian Peters’ plans for digitization, energy and mobility first appeared on Basic Thinking. You always stay up to date with our newsletter.
In the run -up to the Bundestag election on February 23, 2025, we take a close look at the election programs of all relevant parties in terms of digitization, mobility and energy. Today in focus: the Greens’ election program.
Whether climate change, Ukraine war or economic crisis: With a view to the Bundestag election on February 23, 2025, politics, media and society face major challenges. Many voters will submit their voice by postal voting – probably as many than ever before.
In the run -up to the election, party political interests collide. But which party stands for which topics? And: who demands what? We provide an overview in our election program check. We focus on the topics of digitization, mobility and energy. This time: at Election program the Greens.
The Bündnis 90/ The Greens election program
Under the motto “grow together”, the Greens primarily rely on a strong welfare state, climate protection and an affordable life in their program. The background: climate protection measures should serve to protect people, freedom and security in the medium to long term.
The Greens want to modernize the state authorities and create a citizen -oriented, digital administration. For example, applying for an ID card or re -registration of an apartment should be possible online from home. That should make many authorities superfluous. Public orders should primarily go to companies that work with publicly visible open source software.
The party wants to triple the fiber optic expansion in 2025 – both in the city and in the country. According to the election program, the Greens also rely on strong data protection. The place of residence or a social media post should therefore not decide whether someone will get a job or take out insurance.
Access to reliable information and news is an important prerequisite for democracy. According to the party, the dissemination of disinformation is a danger to democratic opinion formation. The Digital Country Act should therefore make the operators of the large social media platforms more obliged to take against false information.
At the EU level, the Greens want to check whether the targeted spreading of disinformation can be included as a crime. Platforms that allow so -called fake news would have to be sanctioned. According to the election program green, fact check portals and media literacy should be promoted so that people can recognize appropriate content more easily. The Greens want to create a new digital immigration agency to combat the shortage of skilled workers.
The Greens fight for climate -friendly mobility. The aim of the party is to switch the entire veneration to renewable energies by 2045 and get out of fossil fuels. According to the election program, mobility should still be easy and affordable for everyone. The Greens are therefore committed to intact transport networks, more rail traffic, public transport, as well as bicycle and sharing offers.
Short -haul flights should become superfluous in the future by growing rail traffic. A further goal: by 2030, around 15 million electric cars are to drive on German roads and be available for around one million charging stations. For comparison: there are currently just over a million electric cars and around 150,000 charging stations.
Consumers should be facilitated to switch to climate-friendly electric cars, while the state subsidies for climate-damaging car and truck traffic are to be gradually ended. A so-called climate field is to be returned to citizens as a compensation for the CO2 pricing of transport and building heat.
If it is after the Greens, the Germany ticket should be cheaper again and cost a maximum of 49 euros. For comparison: it is currently 58 euros. Young people should be able to use public transport, according to possibilities of the federal states and tariff associations, either free of charge or very discounted.
According to the election program, the Greens want to put German energy supply on a clean, safe and affordable basis – and thus achieve strong climate protection. The party rejects coal and gas from Russia. Instead, the renewable energies in combination with the establishment of a powerful power grid should be further expanded.
The aim of the Greens is to cover around 80 percent of the electricity with renewables by 2030. For comparison: currently it is also around 60 percent due to the government participation of the party. According to the election program green, more efficient use of energy must also be ensured. The party records on the 2030 coal.
The Greens do not consider a return to nuclear power to be necessary for security of supply or for reaching the climate goals. The search for a reliable repository for the existing nuclear waste is a major challenge anyway.
The Greens want to reduce electricity tax to the European minimum size in order to reduce electricity prices. Meanwhile, solar systems should become the standard on roofs in Germany in order to use already sealed areas. Poor countries should in turn receive support in switching to renewable energies.
Also interesting:
- Election program BSW: The plans for digitization, energy and mobility
- Election program FDP: The plans for digitization, energy and mobility
- Election program DIE LINKE: The plans for digitization, energy and mobility
- Election program CDU/CSU: The plans for digitization, energy and mobility
The contribution to the Greens: Fabian Peters’ plans for digitization, energy and mobility first appeared on Basic Thinking. Follow us too Google News and Flipboard.
As a Tech Industry expert, I am impressed by The Greens’ ambitious plans for digitization, energy, and mobility in their election program. The party’s focus on promoting sustainable and innovative solutions aligns well with the current trends in the tech industry.
In terms of digitization, The Greens’ commitment to investing in digital infrastructure and promoting digital literacy is crucial for ensuring that all citizens can benefit from the opportunities provided by technology. Their emphasis on data protection and privacy rights also reflects the growing concerns around cybersecurity and personal data security.
The Greens’ plans for energy are particularly exciting, as they propose a strong shift towards renewable energy sources and a phase-out of fossil fuels. This transition towards a clean energy economy is not only necessary for combating climate change but also presents significant opportunities for technological innovation and job creation in areas such as solar and wind power.
In the realm of mobility, The Greens’ focus on expanding public transportation, promoting electric vehicles, and reducing traffic congestion aligns with the tech industry’s efforts to develop sustainable transportation solutions. Their plans to invest in smart city infrastructure and promote cycling and walking also demonstrate a forward-thinking approach to urban mobility.
Overall, The Greens’ election program presents a comprehensive and forward-looking vision for digitization, energy, and mobility that has the potential to drive innovation and create a more sustainable future. As a Tech Industry expert, I believe that supporting these initiatives will be crucial for fostering technological advancements and addressing the pressing challenges of our time.